Gunya Meta Vision Statement
Gunya Meta is a Not for Profit Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisation committed to the building of a Healthy Unified Community that Advances all peoples and builds pride in their heritage.
We are a not for profit Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisation based in and a part of the Logan City community and surrounding areas
- To build strong healthy, loving families
- Be a part of building a strong prosperous Logan City and surrounds
- Help build a strong Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture through education, participation and understanding.
- To enable all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to be proud of their heritage
- To create systems, methodologies and programs designed and run by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to grow our people, community and culture strong.
- To create a self-sustainable Gunya Meta financed and participating in our community
- Building Partnerships
We are a part of a large diverse community filled with ideas, talents and abilities. Our goal is to work with other groups and organisations to best serve the needs of our community and achieve mutual benefits.
- Breaking Barriers
Barriers to health, wholeness, unity, equality and fulfillment in life occur at every level of society. We are committed to working with others to break down these barriers and creating pathways for all to achieve their goals in life.
- Holistic Approach
We do not contend that there is only one way or one thing that can fix the problems in our community. Our approach is an all-inclusive one incorporating individuals, families, children, youth and other cultures with all their diversity.
- Voluntary Work
We highly value the worth of every volunteer and the investment that they make in the community. Without volunteers, we would have no heart.
E How?
To achieve our mission and goals we want to create a culture in Gunya Meta that is based upon;
- Trust
- Respect for all people, cultures and beliefs
- Transparency in all our dealings and transactions
- Building strong relationships both personal and professional
- Bring stability, understanding and equipping to families so that people bond and feel a part of community
- We intend to be innovative and creative approaching the problems that face us. We do not want to repeat the mistakes of the past but look for fresh solutions that work in the now
- To be role models and mentors to the next generation
- Be an organisation that concentrates on its strengths and target areas where we know we can make a difference.
F Conclusion
We are an organisation that is committed to the long haul. We respect the Elders of our community who have proven their love and commitment to the community and we honour them. Our desire is to create a new model for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders that can be carried to other communities