Our Programs

What We Do

Mob Kinnectors

This program seeks to improve education outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children in Logan through the increase of engagement and school attendance. Gunya Meta works with education providers to deliver holistic support to children and families each year.

Community Connector

The Community Connector aims to support families and community when accessing different health services and facilities. 

School to Work Transition Project

This school-based program aims to build the capacity of at risk Indigenous secondary students aged 15 – 18 years in Logan, to improve their school attendance and engagement, and successfully transition into work, further education or training on completion of Year 12.

Deadly Teens

One on one case management and mentoring, along with services delivered both inside and outside the school gate to support students and their families. This programs focus is to improve educational outcomes for Logan Cities Indigenous children.

Youth, Suicide Prevention Program

The Youth Suicide Prevention Program focuses on providing support and early intervention for Jarjums aged 12-17 who are experiencing mental health problems or suicidal thoughts. 

Bullang Jarjums

This Child Health Pathways program provides early intervention support for Indigenous children in Logan aged 0 – 3 years identified as experiencing developmental challenges. Gunya Meta links jarjums and their parents to free specialist services 

Logan Jarjums Holiday Program

Our Logan Jarjums Holiday Program supports Logan City families and their children. Our program not only encourages children, but parent participation.

Yunning Elders Healthy Program

Our Logan Yunning Elders Health Program aims to better the lives of our Elders, allowing them to have better access to health services, along with letting them 

MOB (Move Our Bodies)

Move our bodies (MOB) is an active program to get Jarjums involved in sport activities, and provide a space where Jarjums can engage with Culture.  

Gunya Meta